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Hosting Q&A : E-commerce Hosting
What is ecommerce hosting?
What separates an ecommerce host from a normal host?
What is a merchant account?
What are SSL certificates?

What is ecommerce hosting?
Ecommerce hosting plans are tailored towards websites seeking to sell products and/or services online. The plan will usually include an online payment gateway, secure transaction, SSL, web application, database, etc. Many ecommerce packages will also come with a shopping cart system which can be seamlessly integrated the website's online storefront. In general, ecommerce hosting plans are offered on both Windows and Unix/Linux platforms.

What separates an ecommerce host from a normal host?
An ecommerce host specializes in providing unique tools to power websites wishing to sell products and/or services online. Such features will include increased bandwidth, online payment gateway; secure transaction, SSL, web application, database, etc. Many ecommerce packages will also include easy-to-use software for building online catalogues, enabling the maintenance of a storefront without the need of an outside developer.

What is a merchant account?
A Merchant Account is a vital element of any ecommerce website, without it users will be unable to use credit cards to purchase goods and services from the site. Funds paid into the account are collected by a bank and dispersed to the site owner on a regular basis. There are many different types of Merchant Accounts, all with varying fees.

What are SSL certificates?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates (sometimes referred to as "digital certificates") are issued by certificate authorities to ensure security in Internet communications, especially e-commerce transactions where sensitive information such as a credit card or social security number is being transmitted. Digital certificates are used to create and decode encrypted messages to make sure they are delivered securely from sender to intended recipient. Prices for certificates can vary widely, so it's best to research as many certificate authorities as you can before deciding on a provider.

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